Friday, May 31, 2013

Big Ass Salad!

Lately I have been eating a lot of these for dinner! I usually start by sauteing some shredded carrots, half a squash and a a good bit of minced garlic in a large wok with just a hint of canola pan spray. Then I add a protein. Usually chicken breast or tofu. If I eat poultry I try and get antibiotic free range. I found huge bags of these chicken breast at Costco surprisingly. If I need to I add a little water to the wok to keep things moist and help speed the cooking of the protein. For rice or quinoa I get frozen instant packs from Trader Joes. I nuke the pack for three minutes and I've got grains. Sometimes I add a serving of beans. I like great northern. Then I add a couple of good shakes or low sodium soy sauce or balsamic and mix. Yum!


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